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Rafig Verdiyev
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36, Huseynbala Aliyev str. Apt 52, Baku, AZ1111, Azerbaijan
This article is about assessment of climate change impact to water resources of Eastern Caucasus rivers for different period in the past and expected future trends by use of different sceneries. According to the results of assessment increase of air temperature in last 30 years for about 0.5-1.0 degree Celsius lead to reduction of flow by 5%. In regions where in addition to rising of temperature also precipitations are reduced this figure makes 10%. According to climate sceneries increase of air temperature in the future for 4.0-4.5 degree Celsius may lead to reduction of water resources for 30%. Different measures of adaptation have been identified in the article to combat water scarcity linked to impact of climate change.
Water discharges, river, temperature, precipitation, flow, water use