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D. Chariag1, J-C. Le Bunetel1, K. Khalil1, Y. Raingeaud1, M. Machmoum2 and P. Guerin2
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1. GREMAN: Research Group on Materials, Microelectronics, and Acoustic Nanotechnology, University of Tours, Tours 37200, France
2. IREENA: Institute of Research on Electrical Energy of Nantes-Atlantic, University of Nantes, Nantes 44300, France
Broadband PLC (power line communication)
technology is a main factor of the development of digital convergence in the
indoor network. It uses the already existing power cable infrastructure for
communication purposes. The EM (electromagnetic)
field radiating from the cable could, however, disturb other communication
systems, and thus should be evaluated. The MoM (method of moment) and
the FEM (finite element
method) have been studied to estimate the EM field emitted from the power
cable. However, the MoM is difficult to treat the dielectric material of the
cable and the FEM is time consuming. This paper presents a new approach to
estimate the radiated EM fields caused by PLC systems from the CM current along
the cable, based on the transmission line theory. The proposed model has the
advantage of using the measured primary parameters of the cable. An
experimental analysis of the EM radiation distribution is also presented. A
comparison showed that the model results agree quite well with the measurements
performed in this study.
PLC, EM field, transmission line theory, primary parameters.
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