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Long Range Correlations in Chemical Oscillations
Dola Roy Chowdhury1, Sudeshna Lahiri2, A. N. S. Iyengar3 and M. S. Janaki3
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1. Techno India, EM4/1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700091, W.B., India
2. Dinabandhu Mahavidyalaya, Bongaon, North 24 Parganas, 743235, W.B., India
3. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Salt Lake, 700064, W.B., India
The purpose of the present study is to determine whether a long range correlation
is present in BZ (Belousov-Zhabotinskii) reaction and how this
correlation varies with the change in concentration of the solution. To explore
the dynamics of the system with change in concentration, phase space plot and power
spectrum are studied. Hurst exponent is estimated using log log plot and R/S technique. We discuss the results
which uncover how the system changes from an excitable steady state to a limit cycle.
BZ reaction, Hurst exponent, concentration.
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