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Influence of Lunar Activities on the Twenty-four Solar Terms
Cuixiang Zhong
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Division of Science and Technology, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China
Twenty four solar terms is a knowledge system formed by the ancients through long-term observation of the annual activities of the sun. Although it roughly reveals the changing rules of seasons, climate and phenology in a year, and reflects the influence of the sun on the earth’s climate change on a large scale, because the ancients ignored the influence of the moon’s activities on the earth’s climate change on a small scale, the 24 solar terms they summarized often can not accurately predict the earth’s climate change. In order to make the 24 solar terms reflect not only the influence of the sun on the earth’s climate change on a large scale, but also the influence of the moon’s activities on the earth’s climate change on a small scale, we must refer to the key time nodes of the moon’s activities to divide the 24 solar terms. That is to say, the first day (the seventh or twenty second day of the lunar calendar) after the “Greater Cold” of the old year should be set as the “Beginning of Spring” of the new year, and then the day after half a month should be the next solar term, which is the first day of the moon’s next visit to the Antarctic or the Arctic, and so on. In this way, the 24 solar terms are consistent with the key nodes of lunar activities, and can accurately predict the changes of the earth's climate.
Twenty-four solar terms,lunar activity,polar vortex,global climate change.
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