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A Learning Management System as an Assessment Tool: A Case of MUELE
Namutebi Hellen Sylvia
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Makerere University,Uganda
Great transformations in technology have affected the education sector in the recent years. The mode of teaching, learning and assessment have been transformed from brick and mortar enabling Several Universities to utilize the Learning Management System to reach out to distance learners. Whereas student centered distance learning requires that students collaborate on their learning tasks and obtain timely feedback; this is not the practice with lecturers at universities.Their practice of using LMS does not meet students’ requirements in distance learning because it is not adquently authentic. While distance learners are on the LMS, they should be able to engage with content that stimulates authentic context, authentic activity, expert performance and multiple perspectives. However, the content we see on the LMS that these distance students engage with does not portray authentic context, authentic activity, expert performance and multiple perspectives. This research seeks to answer the following question:How is content designed on MUELE platform? An action research case study was adopted where six course units were observed online and eight participants interviewed, guided byHerrington and Oliver (2000) framework for authentic learning. Data was analyzed and findings revealed that most content was not designed in line with authentic principles especially in theoretical courses which contradicts the framework for authentic learning. In conclusion, authentic learning principles provide effective guidelines for implementing teaching and assessments online.Therefore, the study recommends that; the design of content in all courses should follow the authentic learning principles, such as authentic context, authentic activity, multiple perspectives and expert performances.Lastly, teacher motivation and training on how to assess students in an online environment needs to be encouraged.
Assessment, formative assessment, summative, MUELE, learning management system.
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