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A Comprehensive Overview of Models for Hepatoprotective Activity Screening
Ajinkya Chaudhari, Payaam Vohra and Akshata Geedh
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The liver is a crucial imperative organ that is involved in various kinds of metabolic activity and a very stable accessory gland for the digestive system. At this moment, liver dysfunction is a major source of destruction, and its widespread is accentuated in the developed republics. Long-term or persistent inflammation and oxidative stress due to any reason have a substantial impact on the beginning and continuation of chronic diseases such as hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cirrhosis, liver fibrosis, and other hepatic conditions. Liver diseases classified as hepatosis, cirrhosis and acute or chronic hepatitis are one amongst the most severe ailments This review deals with well-established in vivo, in vitro and in silico models for analysing the hepatoprotective activity of extract/drugs. Consequently, animal models are being developed to impressionist hepatic ailments. From several decades, researchers are using distinctive animal models for discovering and understanding the pathogenesis of hepatic ailments. This current cram has been framed to discuss numerous new and traditional experimental models for hepatotoxicity studies. Numerous animal models have evolved to evaluate the pathogenesis and develop drugs for hepatotoxicity. Experimental modes of hepatotoxicity are influential for invention of novel molecular signalling trails for the improvement of human health. This article aims to explore and unfold various possible models available for hepatoprotective models. This miniature review article highlights the hepatopathy models that are being used to observe the activities of liver injuries under hepatotoxic agents.
Animal model, Hepatotoxicity, In vivo screening, In vitro assessment, In silico examination.
Chaudhari, A., Vohra, P., and Geedh, A., 2023. "A Comprehensive Overview of Models for Hepatoprotective Activity Screening." Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 11 (8): 139-145.