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DoD Manipulates Media in the US Wars: From Information Warfare to Cyber Operation
Ji Yao
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Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
Media, as a source of information, plays a crucial role in opinion-making and perception building. In the wars the United States had waged, the media’s role was to shape the images of war while propagating specific ideas to influence the people. As a result, the world perceived propagandistic messages that appeared to take the form of fake news. Comparing the Gulf War and the Iraq War, it is found that the US government and military have continuously strengthened the wartime news censorship system and used their official background as a media source to provide false information. With this insight, this paper attempts to comprehend the role of media propaganda which promoted the agenda of a media spectacle of the US military victory by transforming into a presentation of anarchy that destabilizes the rationale behind the invasion. It also provides an overview of the development of the Gulf War and Iraq War through the lens of the Herman Chomsky Propaganda model. This model elucidates the role of propaganda in manipulating the opinion of the U.S. people and how it was used to achieve economic, social, and political advantages.
information warfare, propaganda, disinformation
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