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Explore How Tea Functions Experiences Affect the Consumers’ Spirituality
Lin Hsiao-Ching, Kuo Hsin-Ning
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Tunghai University, Taiwan
Tea ceremony culture is not just tea tasting, but a rich culture that involves different elements. It can strengthen emotional bonds with friends and family and make people from other countries respect Taiwan’s tea ceremony culture. It can also help the local economy by improving consumer behavior. The service in experience is like an intangible good that creates a positive impression. The study looks at these points. It also examines how tea ceremony culture relates to commercialization, investment, and marketing. In Literature Review, the study shows how experience can enhance learners’ appreciation and spirituality. The study uses case studies and interviews with professionals to collect expert opinions and connect them to the literature review. It hopes to add to the field of tea ceremony.
tea function, tea ceremony, spiritual values
Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mar.-Apr. 2024, Vol. 12, No. 2, 35-40, doi: 10.17265/2328-2169/2024.02.001.
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