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Motor Education in Primary School: Assessment of Basic Motor Skills
Matteo Abate, Maria Virginia Marchesano and Pallonetto Lucia
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Department of Human, Philosophical and Educational Sciences, University of Salerno, Fisciano Salerno 84084, Italy
The Recent Educational Legislation [1], by introducing the role of the specialized teacher for the subject of Physical Education in the fourth and fifth grades of primary school, embraces and institutionalizes the suggestions of current neuroscientific literature that demonstrates how physical activity contributes, in a holistic and significant manner, to a harmonious and balanced psychophysical development of the child. This study aims to verify the qualitative and quantitative improvement levels of basic motor skills in a convenience sample of 75 children (M = 33; F = 42), aged between 7 and 11 years, after a motor activity treatment, through the administration of the Mobak 3-4 Test [2]. Considering that the individual qualitative and quantitative motor repertoire [3] showing moderate improvements for the experimental group and moderate improvements for the control group, it is possible to confirm that regular sports practice positively impacts the improvement of basic motor skills not only in subjects who habitually engage in sports activities but also in those who usually do not practice sports.
Mobak, motor skills, primary school, physical activity
Journal of Sports Science 12 (2024) 10-15
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