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Keysuke Muramatsu1 and Alex Maiorka2
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1.DSc. DSM Animal Products, São Paulo, São Paulo State, 04543-907, Brazil
2.DSc.Professor at Department of Animal Science, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Paraná State, 80035-050, Brazil
The present study had the objectives to apply the splitting technique in
feed pellet quality prediction models and validate these models through
Herzberg equation. The independent factors (input data) were the particle size (PS:
coarse and medium), heat treatment (HT: expanded-pelleted and pelleted), fat
addition levels (FA: 15, 25, 35 and 45 g/kg of feed) and moisture addition
levels (MA: 0, 7, 14 and 21 g/kg of feed) which were combined in a full
factorial design (2 × 2 × 4 × 4), resulting in 64
different treatments with eight replicates each. The intact pellets amount and
pellet durability index (PDI) were considered as the model’s output data. In
the splitting technique the whole data set, composed by 512 observations, were
splitted in two data set: (1) model construction set(75% of the total data) and
(2) model validation set (25% of the total data set, which were selected
randomly from the original data set). Both equations, the one obtained by
splitting method and the one obtained by whole data set, had good coefficient
of determination and similar residues square means. It was concluded that
splitting technique can be successfully applied to fit a prediction equation
for feed pelleting process and that Herzberg equation consists in a useful tool
to validate the coefficient of determination of those models.
Modelling, feed, Splitting technique, Herzberg equation, pellets.
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