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1. Laboratory of Applied Energy and Mechanics (LEMA), Polytechnic School of Abomey-Calavi, University of Abomey-Calavi, Abomey-Calavi 01 BP 990, Benin
2. Laboratory of Rural Engineering, School of Rural Engineering, National University of Agriculture, Ketou 01 BP 55, Benin


This study explores the development of WPCs (wood-plastic composites) using waste LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and ebony wood sawdust to propose a sustainable solution to waste accumulation. The effect of sawdust particle size and the addition of talc as a coupling agent on the mechanical properties of the composites was examined in detail. The results show that increasing the particle size of the sawdust enhances the MOE (modulus of elasticity) and MOR (modulus of rupture) of the composites. The flexural MOE increases by 195% from the PM (plastic matrix) to composites with the coarsest sawdust, the compressive MOE by 72%, and the tensile MOE by 205%. Similarly, the flexural MOR increases by 28%, the tensile MOR by 42%, but the compressive MOR decreases slightly by 7%. The introduction of talc consistently increased the MOE, with an average improvement of 14% in flexion and 10% in tension for the various composite formulations, although it led to a decrease in compression. The MOR was also enhanced by the addition of talc, with an average increase of 16% across all tested loadings. These improvements suggest that talc can effectively serve as a coupling agent, optimizing the mechanical properties of WPCs for better use of recycled materials.


WPC, talc, wood sawdust, plastic recycling, composite sustainability.

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