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Logistics, Supply Chain Management, and Taiwanese Immigration Assessed in Light of Globalization
Shiann Ming Wu
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Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Organizations regardless
of size can take advantage of the market dynamics brought about by globalization. Supply chain management is crucial for large organizations, especially with
regard to the costs, complexity, and risks of its large, often global, supply chains. From technology to risk management, learning what it
takes to navigate transportation and logistics business management in today’s volatile
world is critical. Human migration has accelerated
in light of globalization and rapid advances in transportation (particularly
aviation) technology. This
study investigated the
connection between logistics and supply chain management in the age of globalization; reviewed the migration,
settlement, and naturalization of Taiwanese immigrants along the West Coast of the
United States; and theoretically analyzed
the forces that have led to the construction
of the Taiwanese immigrant community. Taiwanese immigrants and their
settlement are affected by global forces, and factors such as their cross-cultural trade, the characteristics of diasporic
communities, and their national identity can provide scholarly
and pedagogical insights.
logistics management, supply chain management, Taiwanese immigrant, cross-cultural trade, national identity
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