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Marilyn Y. López Millán1 and F. Xavier Martínez de Osés2
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1. School of Maritime Engineering, Faculty of Maritime Civil Engineering, International Maritime University of Panama, 7098, Panama
2. Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria Nàutiques, Faculty of Nautical Studies of Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 18 08003, Spain
This research aims to analyze the communication process between the different participating actors in the port of Balboa, in the Panamanian Pacific. The starting hypothesis begins with the normal operation of the port itself. Considering which strategic actions have potential development and which specific strategic actions are proposed for their improvement, the article begins with a discussion of the nature of ports in Panama and their relationships with the Panama Canal, followed by a literary review of all the effects that climate change may have on navigation on the Panamanian Pacific coast. Next, the implication between the coordination and cooperation between the port, the Panama Canal pilots, and the other actors involved with the arrival and departure of vessels from the port will be analyzed. In a third part, the results of the perception of a significant sample of these actors who were surveyed, which are related to the process, are presented. The document concludes with recommendations on how the Panamanian Pacific port can improve its individual interests through the application of improvements derived from the results of the surveys, for more efficient inter-institutional coordination and cooperation.
Canal, Panama, ports, Pacific.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 12 (2024) 255-263 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2024.06.001
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