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University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department for Urban Transport 10000, Zagreb, Croatia


The system of public bicycles in the world known as "Bicycle sharing", is a service in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals with or without a certain fee. Users can take and return the bike at numerous locations in the urban parts of the city. As part of the CIVITAS ELAN project (2008 - 2012), which was aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens by establishing high-quality solutions in city traffic and to promote and encourage sustainable, clean and energy-efficient modes of traffic, a pilot project of student public bicycle (Studocikl) was implemented at the University of Zagreb. In the first phase the pilot project included the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FTTS) where is currently implemented. In the second phase the project is planned to include the remaining faculties located at the Borongaj Campus. The idea behind the Studocikl project is to connect two remote locations of FTTS, between headquarters in Vukelićeva Street and Borongaj Campus. Registration (login, logout) of users and the entire administration is done through a web portal. Time of using bicycles is in the period from 8 am to 8 pm (working hours of FTTS). Studocikl was officially put into operation on the 17 September 2012 and in this paper will analyse its one-year operation. The paper will also make proposals for further Studocikl development in terms of: installing GPS trackers for satellite bicycle tracking, the application for smartphones, full automation of the registration, and explore the possibility of extending such service and modes of transportation at all faculties in the University of Zagreb.


Sustainable urban mobility, non-motorised transport, bicycle sharing system.

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Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 12 (2024) 299-304 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2024.06.005


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[4]   “Studocikl.” [Online]. Available: studocikl/. [Accessed: 12-Feb-2014]. 

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