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Xuan Fu, Euitai Jung
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Hanyang University, Ansan Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Abstract: The rapid advancement of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the widespread adoption of contactless environments have transformed the aviation industry, with mobile applications emerging as pivotal tools for enhancing user experience. Despite their increasing prevalence, usability challenges persist due to inadequacies in human-centered interface design. This study addresses these issues by analyzing key interface elements—layout, navigation, color, and buttons—of airline service apps through the lens of cognitive psychology. Drawing on principles such as the Gestalt principle of continuity, Hick's Law, the Aesthetic-Usability Effect, and the Von Restorff Effect, the research identifies existing usability challenges and proposes targeted design improvements to enhance user interaction and satisfaction. Through a detailed case study of the UMETRIP app, the study integrates cognitive psychology concepts to offer actionable recommendations for improving layout clarity, simplifying navigation, ensuring color consistency, and enhancing button recognition. This approach fosters a more intuitive, user-centered interaction between humans and airline service apps, ultimately contributing to the optimization of digital experiences. However, further empirical validation is necessary to refine the proposed solutions. It is anticipated that these findings will inform the future development of user-centered interface designs in the airline industry and beyond.
Cognitive Psychology, Mobile Application Design, Airline Service Apps, User Interface, Usability Optimizatio
Psychology Research, December 2024, Vol. 14, No. 12, 345-358
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