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Gannan Normal University, Ganzhou, China


Against the backdrop of the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its increasing integration into the field of education, academic English teachers are facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges.This paper aims to explore the construction of an academic English teachers’ community of practice supported by AI, in order to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among teachers, and to enhance teaching effectiveness. Firstly, it analyzes the current application of AI technology in academic English teaching and its impact on teachers’ professional development. Subsequently, through case studies, it explores the role of the community of practice in promoting teacher collaboration, resource sharing, and teaching innovation. The study found that the community of practice can provide a platform for teachers to exchange ideas, solve teaching problems through collective wisdom, jointly develop teaching resources, and use AI technology to optimize teaching strategies. The article proposes strategies for building an open, collaborative, and shared community of practice for academic English teachers, including establishing open communication mechanisms, promoting deep integration of technology and teaching, encouraging teacher participation in community activities, etc., to achieve professional growth of teachers and enhancement of teaching quality. This paper concludes by proposing an evaluation strategy system for the community of practice among academic English teachers in the era of AI.


artificial intelligence (AI), academicEnglishteachers, community of practice, collaborative teaching, knowledge sharing

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LI Zhen, Building an Academic English Teachers' Community of Practice: Collaboration and Innovation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Sino-US English Teaching, December 2024, Vol. 21, No.12, 573-579 doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2024.12.004


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