Missouri Western State University, St. Joseph, U.S.A.
RMD Hamzaee Econometrics International Consultants, Overland Park, U.S.A.
SourehUniversity, Tehran, Iran
RMD Hamzaee Econometrics International Consultants, Overland Park, U.S.A.
This research work is motivated by both
groups of ongoing unlimited opportunities, challenges, and alarming potentials for abuses, fraud,
and spread of disinformation. The bifocal stress of the project is on economic
essence and framework for assessment of both potential efficiencies in
productivity and potential costs of AI in an economy, industry, or a business
unit. The topical issue of the attention extent of AI in business public
relations, as a potential perspective to a relevant economic cost-benefit
analysis is cited in this research. AI is, in its essence, a technological
component of capital in production of goods, services, public relations, and
advertising. Hence, the productivity model, cost framework, and profit
optimization methodologies are all integrated into a system of interrelated
equations. Businesses and dynamic organizations are supposed to devote a more
cohesive attention to uncertainties, probabilities, and more importantly, to
the extent of presence and/or lack of attentions to the AI capital in search of
a sustainable viability and thriving niche in their heavily competitive digital
age. Our goal is to strive in compilation of massive data in our prospective
research works in a more application-oriented inquiry than this current work.
artificial intelligence,
public relations, economic optimization, Cobb-Douglas productionfunction, AI-attention
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