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Department of Physics,Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, China


Since the discovery of quasars in the 1960s, people have been curious and confused about quasars’characteristics such as high brightness, long distance, large redshift, high energy and wide spectral lines. Until the mid-1990s, with the improvement of observational techniques, the mystery of quasars was gradually revealed, and one of the important achievements was the observation of the host galaxy of quasars, which is the active galactic nucleu.Although the discovery of active galactic nuclei has made a leap in the study of quasars, it also raises a series of questions for further study of quasars: First, the energy radiated bya quasar can reach more than a thousand times the total energy of the galaxy, is its energy source still nuclear fusion? Secondly, to maintain the continuous activity of active galactic nuclei requires a large amount of fuel, how is this fuel efficiently transported to the core region? Thirdly, observations show that the brightness of quasars can change dramatically in a few days or even less, what is the physical mechanism that causes this change? Fortunately, the author has recently studied and proposed a new theory of galaxy formation and evolution, which can be used to reveal the formation process and essential characteristics of quasars, solving easily the above problems.


Black hole, quasar, active galactic nucleus, formation process, essential characteristics.

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