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Istanbul Gelisim University, Istanbul, Turkiye


With the developing and rapidly changing technology, marketing strategies have necessarily changed in order to meet the demands and needs of consumers. The inability of businesses to keep up with this changing system pushes them out of the process. In daily life, where consumption never ends, marketing strategies are also consumed very quickly. Although the name changes according to age, the main goal is always more profitability. Digitalization of sales and marketing has made shopping in virtual environments widespread. Most customer services are performed by chatbots. It is seen that these studies are also carried out in the field of health services.From Siri to augmented reality applications, they are in our lives. These intelligent systems date back to the 1970s. So, where are the artificial intelligence and intelligent robots that have taken their place in almost every sector, from health to defense, which has been the favorite of recent years? Although the answer to this question has only recently begun to be researched, it seems that it will be one of the most important issues in the near future. In this study, which seeks a definitive answer to this question, the place and future of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies are discussed. In addition to contributing to the academic world, the study is thought to be useful in artificial intelligence studies.


artificial intelligence, automated advertising, optimization, budget estimation

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Economics World, Apr.-June 2025, Vol. 12, No. 2, 113-131

doi: 10.17265/2328-7144/2025.02.004


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