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The Method on Deducing MultiplicityMeasurement Equations of Neutron/g
Li Xinshe, Yao Junping, and Wang Yijing
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Xi’an Research Institute of Hi-Tech, China
Based on some important domestic and international references, the third multiplicity measurement equation is derived, but it is different from the results given in current researches. The neutron multiplicity equation is deduced in this paper, especially the fourth fast-neutron multiplicity equation based on the liquid scintillation detectors, which is more complex than the other multiplicity equations up to the fourth order. The equations given in this paper can be used to verify the validity and availability of principles for the multiplicity measurement up to the fourth order, and extend the application scopes of the neutron multiplicity measurement, such as correcting the additional measurement value to eliminate influences for dead times. It will be the foundation of nuclear researches, if the higher order multiplicity measurement is important for nuclear materials’ control and accountability.
neutron multiplicity,liquid scintillation detector,the multiplicity measurement,fast-neutron multiplicity.
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