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Influence of Corrosion on the Reliability of SMA Materials in the Marine Environment
Stanica Nedović
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Marine Sciences, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Montenegro, Put I Bokeljske brigade 44, Dobrota, 85331, Montenegro
The research of new materials on the basis of memory shape today occupies the special attention of researchers in various industrial fields, such as medicine, traffic, robotics, etc. This paper analyzes the possibility of applying SMAs (shape memory alloys) in the maritime industry in terms of monitoring the behavior of SMAs in different marine environments. The subject of the research is Cu-Al-Ni and Ni-Ti CC alloys processed by CC (continuous casting) in the shape of bars and Ni-Ti as cast processed by casting in the shape of disk. Using the method of EDX (energy dispersion X-ray spectrophotometry), the chemical composition of alloy elements in zones such as in the air, on the surface of the sea and in the sea was determined after six and twelve months of exposure. By applying the theory of reliability, an assessment of the reliability of the alloy elements was obtained. According to the obtained results of the Cu-Al-Ni alloy, nickel is the most reliable in the sea. Aluminum is the least reliable in the sea. The Ni-Ti CC alloy in the marine environment is more reliable than the Ni-Ti as cast alloy. Based on the changes in the chemical composition of alloys in all three considered zones, it is concluded that all three alloys have the lowest reliability in the sea and the highest in the air.
SMA, Ni-Ti, Cu-Al-Ni, reliability, marine environment.
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