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Formation Stiffness Measurement of a Train Track Interaction System
Sadiq Thomas
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Institute of Infrastructure and Environment, School of Built Environment, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Railways are very important to our society due to their efficiency and reduced environmental effects. A system for the measurement of the condition of the formation on which a permanent way (pairs of rails laid on sleepers) is located is investigated in this work. This will allow effective asset management and reduce the costs of rail maintenance. Areas where the formation is either weak or changes rapidly present problems when maintaining a section of the track due to poor track geometry. Formation stiffness is a difficult parameter to measure and requires extensive research efforts. In this work a train-track interaction problem is investigated with a quarter train track model, which consists of a coach, bogie and wheel. The train-irregularity model is developed which computes the train response to irregularities, such as the deflection by stiffness changes. Using this train–irregularity model, the effects of train speed on the wheel/rail interaction force over the stiffness changes are studied and the track stiffness is also analysed, which will be used in future analysis to calculate the actual stiffness of the track when using laser measurement techniques.
Railway, train track, maintenance, stiffness.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 12 (2024) 291-298 doi: 10.17265/2328-2142/2024.06.004
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